
Afiliado: 15/04/2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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     Have you ever wished you were someone else?  You do not wish it because someone else has more then you of is prettier.   You wish it because of what you do have that you wish you did not.   I think I have mentioned before I am a psychic impath, and sometimes that is a bad thing.   I hate knowing things that will happen before they do.   I hate feeling other pewoples emotions and sometimes even hearing their thoughts in my head.   I was out one day and a lady was cleaning a stair case in the building I was in I watched her coming up the stairs.    I could hear her thoughts about her legs hurting.   As she approched me I said to her your legs hurts don't they she said yea.   Another woman walked by a short time later and I could her her thoughts which were I can not wait to get out of here.  I know most people would think this ability is fun.   It is not it is a pain both physically and emotionaly.   

      What I really hate is when I can see events from the future before they happen.   I get all nerved up when I know something is going to happen before everyone else does.   I can feel peoples intent and emotions.   People think you are crazy if you tell them something is going to happen that they do not see yet.  

     I often wonder how different my life would be if I had been born a different person.   My problem is the psychic abilities are on my moms side of the family.   I had 2 aunts, 1 cousin, 2 sisters, and 3 neices all with verious psychic abilities.   So even if I had been born from a different sperm chances are good I would still have had some form of this as my mom carried the gene for this "gift" and I use the word lightly.     Sometimes I think my life would be alot easier if I had not been who I am.   However sense we do not get to chose that I myst learn to deal what what I got, and train myself to not allow others to upset me.   If I do not allow those who would seek to unnerve me to gain access they will be powerless against me.