
Adăugat: 15.04.2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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     I have a friend who is in the service and he is wise beyond his years.   He always says (NEVER MAKE SOMEONE A PRIORITY IN YOUR LIFE THAT MAKES YOU AND OPTION IN THEIRS.)   I am beginning to think he may be sooooooooo right about that.   I am only just beginning to see what made him say that.   I have noticed that if you make someone a priority in your life and they do not see you as a priority in theirs, they will take advantage of you and everything you have to offer them.   At the same time they will give back little to you.   That reminds me of another cute thing I heard one time on a show called Will and Grace.   Will said in a relationship one person is the flower and the other person is a gardener.   For those of you that do not know what that means it means one person gives everything and the other receives it all giving very little back.   I have come to realize I am a gardener and I am growing myself a bumper crop of flowers this year. n34.gif   I am beginning to wonder if I should look into maybe switching crops next year and see if I can not grow me some  vegetables.   At least if you grow vegetables  you get nourishment from all your work.   I have already found a couple people I would say could be in my vegetable garden.   They encourage me when I am down they care when I am upset and they try to make me feel better if I am sad.   They would be prize winning entries at any fair. n6.gif 

     Basically the point I am trying to make is some people are so wrapped up in their lives and what they want to even notice the people that have been there all along for them.   The people that did the planting and the weeding so their plans could grow.   Doing the heavy lifting so someone else could reap the rewards.   I have never minded being the gardener in the past.   It always gave me joy to make it so others could be happy, but here lately I think I am getting stiff joints from all the care of my friend garden.