17th GameDesire's birthday


We celebrate 17th birthday this month, therefore we would like to thank you for being with us. Thanks to you - players, GameDesire is so fabulous place. Thank you for creating such a wonderful community over 17 years!

Celebrate with us and check what we got for you!

Anniversary Badges

Check how long you are with GameDesire and wear your badge with pride! (You will find it on your profile).

Birthday Clan Battle

Anarchists, Vegetarians, Philatelists, Pessimists, Jazz fans, Cat lovers, Philosophers, Anglers. Believe it or not, this is what the most represented groups of players on GameDesire look like.... Or at least that's what our analytical systems say.
Choose your identity, join the right clan and win millions of chips and special prizes!

As a birthday gift we present a new feature - DAILY RANKINGS, thanks to which the competition will be even more exciting and the prizes will be higher!


It's our Birthday! Play Birthday Celebration Tournaments

Introducing Birthday Tournaments! For taking a premium place in 5 tournaments with "Celebration" in their name you will get a special bonus: 3 Million Chips.

Full prize pool:
$ 832,000,000

Don't miss the most important of them - Birthday Celebration Main Event, which will be held on 01.10.2019. Play and win a part of the pot, which is as much as 500 million Chips!

Birthday Gifts

This year everything revolves around the number 17! Give your friends one of amazing birthday gifts! You will find birthday cake, colorful balloons and party hat. Don’t wait and choose one of them!


* If you accumulate the whole birthday collection in your account - we will reward you with a special birthday SURPRISE!

Birthday bonuses!

Stay alert - especially when the clock is 17 minutes after a full hour. That's when special notifications containing Birthday Codes, which will credit the account of the 17 BEST players may appear on the site... Don't miss out on any of the 17 easy earning chances!

Who will show reflexes and win a BIRTHDAY BONUS for themselves?

Flying Bonus is back!

Birthday gamechips are falling from heaven!


Get your reward!

September Super Bonus – get up to $25,000,000 chips!

All players who accumulated 2 exclusive gifts (the first is Diploma, the second is Champagne) will take part in the fight for 5 packages - $5,000,000 chips each. The total amount of chips won can reach up to $25,000,000! All you need to do is to click faster than others on the notifications that will be sent on following dates:

  • October 3, 12PM UTC
  • October 3, 4PM UTC
  • October 3, 8PM UTC
  • October 4, 12AM UTC
  • October 4, 4AM UTC

You will receive the "Champagne" gift by earning at least 500 Grind points in the Birthday Clan Battle.