
قام بالانضمام: 2019-10-31
I love to shoot pool, but I broke my shoulder in 3 places awhile back. I went to city nationals & made it to the last game.
لإبقاء في المستوى: 
النقاط المتبقية: 174
آخر لعبة
ما جونغ

ما جونغ

ما جونغ
مضت 12 يوم

نشاطات الألعاب

ما جونغ

ما جونغ

الألعاب التي تم إنهاؤهاأفضل نتيجة
Dragon's way
Mission possible
Dragon's way
Mahjong addict
Pool Live Pro

Pool Live Pro

انتصاراتالمباريات الملعوبة


هدايا: 5



I've rescued many dogs, puppies & cats over the years. I used to shoot pool in a league & we made it to City nationals one year & went all the way to the last game of champion tournament, but we lost... Weird cir***stances against this team :o
Animal welfare, bicycling, live music, shooting pool online now, since I broke my shoulder in early 2006. I make friends easily & am one for life when we are real friends. I love to swim, boat (canoeing, motor boat or kayak). Fishing is good too, I just love being around water & my dogs love it too.
الأفلام المفضّلة
I love comedy, anything that brings a smile or laugh is good. I'm into nonfiction stuff as well, but do like some fiction movies. :)
الموسيقى المفضّلة
John Lennon, John Fogerty, Jackson Browne, Bonnie Raitt, Allison Krauss, Eric Clapton. I love a lot of the music that came out in late 60's-80's & motown was always a favorite then & now. Not really into heavy metal though, screaming isn't my idea of music :o
الكتب المفضّلة
John Grisham, Agatha Christie, Erma Bombeck (the funnier stuff) & several other authors as well.
أشياء تعجبنى
I like nice, honest people who don't waste my time with lies. It's a way of life with me & I'll always tell you the truth, count on it! For other 'likes' see Interests above & About me... ;)
أشياء لا تعجبنى
Bad neighbors, unfriendly, abusive or impolite people, animal abusers.

آخر الزيارات

إجمالي الزيارات: 91
21 يوم مضت
35 يوم مضت
