قام بالانضمام: 2023-12-07
I'm looking make some good friends in here. So only the few will be my friends.
المستوى التالي: 
النقاط المتبقية: 539

نشاطات الألعاب

بوكر تكساس هولدم

بوكر تكساس هولدم

الألعاب التي تم إنهاؤهافيش اللعب التي تم ربحها
1754718٫26 مليون
Tourney Maniac
Tourney Maniac
Tourney Maniac
Three Amigos


هدايا: 2


I'm at an age when every day could be my last. So I want to live it to the fullest.
Making friends, collecting coins & odd things, playing poker & euchre online. Enjoying what life I have left.
الأفلام المفضّلة
Love Movies! Musicals are some of my Favorites. Action & sequels are popular to me.
الموسيقى المفضّلة
Love 1 hit wonders! Too many Groups that I like.
الكتب المفضّلة
Not much of a reader. Magazines & Newspapers my speed.
أشياء تعجبنى
Just getting up in the morning & knowing I'm still alive. Pizza! Good Fish! Chocolate! But who doesn't.
أشياء لا تعجبنى
Slow pokes at Poker. Very annoying. Crazy drivers. Cell phones. Telemarketers. Negative People in general.

آخر الزيارات

إجمالي الزيارات: 6
26 يوم مضت
47 يوم مضت
68 يوم مضت
84 يوم مضت
88 يوم مضت
88 يوم مضت
