Game Desire's birthday!


We celebrate 19th birthday this month, therefore we would like to thank you for being with us. Thanks to you - players, GameDesire is so fabulous place.

Thank you for creating such a wonderful community over 18 years!

Celebrate with us and check what we got for you!


Anniversary Badges



Check how long you are with GameDesire and wear your badge with pride! (You will find it on your profile).

The badge was automatically awarded to all players who have played any game at least once in the last 3 months.


Birthday Gifts



This year everything revolves around the number 19! Give your friends one of amazing birthday gifts! Don’t wait and choose one of them!




GD Games Clan Battle



Poker, Bingo or Mahjong? Decide which GameDesire game you like best, choose your clan, take part in tournaments and compete for millions of chips! It's time for the decisive battle. 




Flying Bonus is back!


Birthday gamechips are falling from heaven!


Get your reward!


Birthday bonuses!



Stay tuned - especially when the clock strikes 19 minutes past the full hour. This is when you MAY see special notifications on the site containing BIRTHDAY CODES which will credit the accounts of the 19 FASTEST players... Don't miss out on any of these 19 easy chips making opportunities!

Who will show reflexes and win a BIRTHDAY BONUS for themselves?