
Connesso: 08/04/2014
"Never love anybody who treats you like you are ordinary ." -O. Wilde
Prossimo livello: 
Punti necessari: 89
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Attività di gioco


Regali: 17


Più albums: mmuuah ah ah

Qualcosa su di me

Su di me
make me laugh, think or blush.- be respectful in the process
im an attn junkie.
dropping jaws and knocking socks off.. testing boundaries, learning, oh so inquisitive.
Film preferiti
I Am Joe's Liver.
Libri preferiti
phone, note, match
Le cose che mi piacciono
laughing. wit, and banter, manners, common courtesy. intelligence- brains are sexy. i like trivia and games that make you think, i love and appreciate animals/nature . being provocative . being favorite.being me and beating you. :)
Le cose che non mi piacciono
inconsiderate human beings. liars. bullies.
liter bugs, pollution, urban sprawl, wasteful greed and YOU!

Last visits

Visite totali: 1645
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24 giorni fa
47 giorni fa
95 giorni fa
